Monday, October 26, 2009

Veteran Essay

Honor, something so simple, but yet, something that is hard for people to grasp upon. This concept simply means show respect, respect what a person has done, respect what a person is trying to do, and respect someone no matter who they are. Veterans are some of our most hardworking, unrecognized citizens. These men and woman have risked all they have, just to keep every single one of us safe. Does this not entitle them to respect?

Of course it does. Veterans are given one day to have recognition and honor showed to them. That is one day out of 365, 24 hours out of about 8,760. To me that sure doesn’t seem like much for all that they have done to protect us. Whenever someone sees a veteran, do not worship them, but why not just say thank you. Thank them for the work they have done, and most importantly thank them for giving you the type of life you have. A life where you don’t have to fear for your livelihood, but instead you can live freely.

Life is something that most people take for granted. This has been given to us, and it can be taken away. To most, that scares us all, and we try to protect ourselves from whatever seems dangerous. These Veterans have put all of that on the line, and they have faced danger. Even if they were not on the front lines, any place in the military has its own risks. This act shows they have courage, and are willing to endanger their life, for the life of another. That is a very noble act, and one that should be recognized. The question I have is “Isn’t the amount of work and courage these people have shown enough to be honored all the time?’ I hope that all have said yes, and if not ask yourself if you would be willing to do what they have done.

Veterans are amazing individuals, and people who should not be overlooked. Respect is the least we can show, and it should be present every day, not just one. Let’s take that 24 hours and now spread it out to 8,760. It may seem like a lot, but honor is something that is hard to achieve, and when someone has been able to do so, it should be praised, at least more than once a year.

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